Above and Beyond: A Virtual Netta Experience
2020 sure has changed a lot for everyone, and Massanetta was no exception. WE MISSED YOU THIS SUMMER! Thankfully, for our Middle School Conference, we were able to offer Virtual Netta. This virutal experience gave a little slice of Netta for many this summer. While it wasn’t the same as being together in Hudson Auditorium, the Hotel Lawn, or the Springhouse, our leadership team still worked really hard to make it possible.
A few Virtual Netta participants were kind enough to write up some reflections on their Virtual Netta Experiences. We hope you enjoy reading how Massanetta continues to be, “a place for all people to experience God through renewal, discovery, and hospitality,” even in these difficult times.
Grace Covenant Church, Asheville, NC participants enjoying Virtual Netta in 2020
The following is from Cat Kessler, Youth Group Assistant at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Asheville, NC.
Our group’s Virtual Netta experience was one of the highlights of the summer both for me and for all of those involved. We knew that the Spirit was at work in our cyber gatherings when our middle school youth said that our time together had made the group “feel like a family,” and that this was “way more fun than I thought it would be.”
Even though being unable to travel to Massanetta this summer was a disappointment, our Associate Pastor Samantha Gonzalez-Block and I were determined to capture some of the traditions and meaning of the Middle School Conference for our group. We were nervous to host five Zoom meetings over three days with kids who had just finished months of virtual school, but the group of 18 youth and advisors was committed to showing up and creating community in whatever way we could. We were fortunate to have a senior high Advocate within our youth group, and her leadership and ideas were invaluable to the experience.
Our time together combined some of our Netta favorites (including “hair don’ts,” rotating activity stations, a candlelight worship service, and even the beach ball icebreaker game) with the rich virtual content that Massanetta provided around the theme of “In the Potter’s Hands.” We created original Netta “kits” for each participant with a workbook journal for capturing reflections, glow sticks, candy, and—most popular—a pot of playdough that we used for a Pictionary-like game, a silly sculpting Olympics and a contemplative prayer practice.
The keynote, worship and theme song videos provided by the Middle School Conference leadership were perfect for generating discussion and reflection on the theme. The videos were engaging and just the right length for our gatherings, and David Ealy’s series of messages provided a continuity from one day to the next that made the whole experience flow together.
I’m grateful to the team at Massanetta and the MSC leadership for all of the work they put into creating impactful content for Virtual Netta and for the difference it made in our Middlers’ experience this summer.
And here’s another!
Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church participants enjoying Virtual Netta in 2020
Jenni Albright, Director of Youth Ministries at Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church
I heard about "Request An Advocate” and thought it sounded pretty amazing! Indeed, it was. The Massanetta team connected me via email with two energetic, kind, smart, and responsible young women who were a joy to work with! These two Advocates, Day and Katie, went above and beyond what I expected. They enthusiastically agreed to join not just one, but two, of our virtual youth group gatherings. They attended the first just to meet some of the youth. Then, for the second virtual gathering, they led the entire hour, complete with games and a lesson. I was impressed with their leadership as they thoughtfully invited all youth to participate while also being respectful of the varying comfort levels among the youth about joining the conversation.
My favorite part about Katie and Day joining us was the burst of life and fresh energy that they brought to our summer virtual gatherings. What a treat for our youth to have this time to connect with other teenagers and learn from their stories.
Here is a quote from Luke, a rising ninth-grader who joined Day and Katie this summer: “I was disappointed that I wasn’t able to go to Massanetta during my last year. Massanetta offers a calm and cool environment. It was nice to have a little bit of Massanetta from my computer this summer.”
We are currently hard at work making plans for our 2021 Middle School Conferences. We know for certain they will have a Gathered At Home option for those who need to stay closer to home this summer. We hope to have a Gathered In Person option as well, and are keeping up to date with guidelines and restrictions, so we can make informed decisions with the health and safety of the entire Massanetta community in mind.
There is so much still up in the air for 2021, what we do know for sure is we will be making a difference in the lives of middle schoolers this summer whether in person or from a distance. We need your help to make that possible. Can you go Above and Beyond for Massanetta with a first or additional gift?. Your investment in Massanetta is always important, but it is absolutely crucial right now. Every gift of every size matters. Your gift matters.